Posts Tagged ‘WORLD COIN’

Graded Coins

One of the determining factors in deciding a coin’s worth is its quality. Of course deciding what you pay for a coin is very individual and subjective thing. What one buyer thinks a coin is worth may be quite different from what another buyer thinks that same coin is worth. conversely, is also likely to be a large difference in value based on the seller’s point of view.

One method to take some of the guesswork out of the equation is how the coin graded by a professional grading service. Although there are many it is widely accepted that the top two or three have the most credibility. Many investors will buy coins graded by these companies sight unseen. Although not an exact science you have a relative level of security, if you purchase a going graded and sealed I want these companies.

There are several second and third tier grading companies that also evaluate the worth of a coin. Sometimes they have been known to grade a coin too highly, but that is not always the case. Many collectors and investors shy away from these slab coins or routinely discount their grade estimation by several grade levels.

My advice to you is to not overlook coins graded by these companies because there are often great opportunities in the small plastic cases. I would recommend that in all cases you inspect and value the coin, and not the holder. Just because a coin is sealed in one of these third-party cases does not necessarily mean it has been this graded. I do however recommend that you use caution and close examination before you determine its value.

I have also found very high quality coins encased in the old car board and plastic square coin holders. Often they will be handwritten estimates of the coin’s value along with the date of the coin.  Again I recommend close personal inspection of these coins, while verifying the date and the contents visually. Do not take someone’s handwritten estimation of value for granted.

Another valuable service that the major grading companies offer, is to make you aware of the population of that particular coin that they have created at that level. This is often a good indication as to the scarcity of that coin.

Don’t feel that you must buy a graded coin to enjoy collecting, or to make a profit. After you look at enough coins you will gain your own level of expertise in determining their value.

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